Monday, September 13, 2010

Bad Religion

It seems to be in vogue or in fashion in the media and more recently in sermons and blogs to bash "religion."  For years Christians or Christ-followers have worked hard at making a distinction between religion and a relationship with Jesus.  It is not uncommon today to hear preachers and Christ-followers joining the chorus of atheists, agnostics and those who are merely spiritual saying how horrible religion is, how they hate religion or that religion is just a pile of whatever.  I, myself, have added my voice to the chorus of those who have offered a harsh critique of religion from the inside.  But is religion truly wrong or bad?  And where would Christ-followers be without religion?

I believe that what most people are attacking or critiquing when they offer their comments on religion is "bad religion" not religion itself.  Religion defined by Webster is, "1 Belief in and worship of God or gods.  2 A specific system of belief, worship, etc., often involving a code of ethics."  Religion is a term to define belief in God and its outflow of worship and life.  The belief in God and worship of God results in a lifestyle that honors and glorifies God (ethics based in a theological or biblical worldview).  If we were to forsake or throwout religion, as historically defined, Christ-followers would be throwing away their relationship with Jesus.  As a Christ-follower, myself,  I would not be willing to do that.

Revisionist history or revisionist grammar (language) is not always helpful to the truth and at times can be detrimental.  The etymology of "religion" can mean to reconnect or to reverence God or gods.  This is at the core of a Christian's belief.  We belief all people need to reconnect with God that is why Christ came.  If is Christ who reconnects us with God.  The term religion has been used to refer to the belief systems that develop out of a belief in God or gods.  I find many of the critiques and calls to eliminate religion really come from one's problem with certain belief systems or structures that have developed out of a certain belief in God or gods.   Why don't we just call these systems or structures "bad religion?"  Redefining "religion" sends the wrong message we end up saying we want to get rid of all belief in God and all ethical standards of life that come from a belief in God and our creation in God's image.  There are the purest who really do mean and want to get rid of all religion, all belief in God or gods because they truly belief that any belief in God is self-deceptive at best and dangerous at worst.

Words are important and as a Christ-follower I need to be careful how I use words.  I need to be careful what actions I am calling for and how I am revising historical terms for I might find myself calling for the deconstruction of the very thing that gives my life purpose, meaning and that gives me life itself.  Is it merely semantics?  Maybe but I don't think so.  Religious systems that are based in humanism, human efforts to please God and earn our way into relationship with God are "bad religion."  But also are belief systems based in "cheap grace" that mirrors a humanistic ethical system where Christ-followers have higher divorces rates than non Christ-followers, have lower work ethics than non Christ-followers, do not care for the widow, the orphan and the poor and do not hold to absolute truth.  These are examples of "bad religion" not pure religion.  Religion is not a pile of "crap" and something to be thrown out "bad religion" is.

These are just some of my thoughts on a current pet peeve.  If they are a cause for further thought I am happy.  If they offend you I apologize.  If they make you uncomfortable that may be good.  If it makes us thank about God than I am really happy.    

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